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William Seeds, MD​

Dr. Seeds is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon practicing medicine for over 27 years, and the Founder and Medical Director of the Seeds Scientific Research & Performance Mastermind. He has been honored at the NFL Hall of Fame for his medical expertise and in treating professional athletes, and serves as Professional Medical Consultant for the NHL, MLB, NBA, and NBC’s Dancing With The Stars.

Dr. Seeds is also a medical researcher, and continues to write and publish on the NIH and other medical journals. He is also the author of Peptide Protocols Vol.1, the world’s first handbook about peptides written for practitioners.

Today at the Seeds Scientific Research and Performance Institute, he is dedicated to bringing Cellular Medicine and the study of Epigenome to the forefront of the medical community through research, training, and improved patient outcomes. His practice is at the Olympic training facility: Spire Institute Geneva, OH; and at the Redox Medical Group, Beverly Hills, CA.

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