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SSRP Trusted Sources – Mara Labs

Trusted Partner

Mara Labs

The story of Mara Labs was born out of a necessity to find alternatives to support cellular health when they provide the only clear pathway to support healing.

In 2012, David’s late wife Mara was diagnosed with breast cancer. Several years into to treating it naturally, it had spread. So, they grew her cancer cells in their lab and found that sulforaphane from broccoli was #3 in directly killing her type of cancer.

The only issue was that there were no sulforaphane supplements. Only the precursor molecule, glucoraphanin. After several years of growing broccoli sprouts as a source of sulforaphane, a friend on Mara’s cancer care team came up with a method to make sulforaphane shelf stable.


Knowing the importance of having a sulforaphane supplement, Mara raised the seed money to bring it to market. Unfortunately, she took a turn for the worse in 2017 and died. David left his first supplement company and was joined by three friends in starting Mara Labs. The focus of the company is to provide highly bioavailable supplements that get through the gut barrier in a quantity that makes a biological difference to your cells.

The mission of Mara Labs is to cultivate lifestyles of wellness for generations to thrive.

Offer: Free sample bottles and 40% off retail on case orders

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