Types of Medical Training

SSRP Denver - Cellular Efficiency and Immune System Summit

This mastermind topic is about the cellular medicine approach to optimizing and modulating the immune system. The mastermind featured three keynotes by William A. Seeds MD along with five actual case studies, each with their own unique set of challenges to dissect and dynamically discuss. These are video recordings, and is suitable for health professionals.

SSRP Scottsdale - Pain Summit

Continuing the course from Mastermind 1, this focus will be centered around the neuro-pathways, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers disease. Understand how pain is a signal, and how to treat it from the root cause. These are video recordings, and is suitable for health professionals.

SSRP Orlando - Microbiome Summit

The importance of the gut and microbiome and how it affects aging, and influences Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease. The microbiome is a major focus in therapeutic advances in almost all age-related diseases. This summit is incredibly important as the microbiome will pave the way for the future of peptide therapy.

SSRP Chicago - Autoimmune Summit

This mastermind is centered around the chronic and autoimmune diseases, causes, relationships, and of course, the cutting edge treatments and protocols that can influence improved patient outcomes. This summit will also feature segments on infection, inflammation, anti-aging, and cancer. With the help of peptides and other small molecules and alternative therapies, we will discover combinations of protocols that make a difference and the research that suggests the future of caring and potentially reversing these conditions.

SSRP Dallas - Brain Summit

Focus on the brain, the pathways to repairing cognitive function, restoring efficiency, and how to optimize it at all ages. This mastermind will also spotlight the causes, evidence-based research, and ground-breaking treatments of neurological disorders such as Alzheimers, Dementia, and more.

SSRP Beverly Hills - Skin and Aesthetics Summit

A truly masterful way to understanding the Face, facial health, skin, and how to best treat diseases and reverse signs of aging without toxic or damaging treatments. Dr. Seeds will reveal his decades long research and patent-pending therapies that have dramatic results for his patients.

SSRP Vail - NAD+ Summit

NAD+ has quickly become popular in the latest supplements and treatments for longevity and age-related diseases. Like many buzz-word treatments, there is the science, and the fad.

Understand the biochemistry of NAD+, it’s ideal ratios with other thermodynamic nucleotide cofactors, and the pathways relevant to disease states, so that you can navigate and determine for yourself what works and what simply won’t.

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SSRP Peptide Therapy Foundations


CJC 1295 | Anti-Aging & Body Optimization

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Hormone Therapy


The Introduction To Cell Efficiency, Peptides, and Cellular Senescence

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Nutrition & Weight Loss Mastery


Nutrition & Weight Loss Mastery

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